Abuse Victim's Counseling

Abuse can come in many forms...physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, and more.  The isolation and pain from any kind of it, can harm a person both physically and psychologically.  You cannot ignore the pain left behind from being abused.  The pain will not go away on its own.  The first step in recovering from abuse, is to make sure that you are safe.

If you are currently in an abusive situation, please seek safety immediately.  If you don't know how to take yourself out of the abusive situation, contact The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) and they will guide you.  If you are in immediate physical or sexual danger, you should call your local law enforcement by dialing 911.

Once you are out of the dangerous situation, you can start your journey towards healing.  Often times, victims need a gentle, compassionate counselor to guide them on their journey to healing and peace.  Safe Place Healing offers counseling for victims of all types of abuse.  Our therapist will help you heal from the pain left behind from an abusive situation.  All sessions are confidential and you will be treated with dignity and respect.


Safe Place Healing can help you with all of your abuse counseling needs.